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“Venerdì Gnocolar” in Verona (gnocchi’s Friday)

Verona hosts carnival traditional celebrations that have turned in years to be a huge feast involving funny activities and spectacular events.

In the XVI century a famine pushed the hungry and angry citizens to start a riot that the local authorities put down by distributing free food. Since that time, the week before the Lent (Christian fast), Verona hosts carnival traditional celebrations that have turned in years to be a huge feast involving funny activities and spectacular events.

On Friday the 24th, all over the city centre, a colourful crowd will stroll around watching the parade floats, eating delicious “gnocchi” (typical potato dumplings) in piazza Bra and dancing on the funky notes of September Groove in piazza san Zeno. “Gnocchi” will also be served by every restaurant of the city: you can’t miss them!

Come join Carnevale di Verona!